~ Endangered and Rainforest Wildlife Planner ~
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Ever thought about what wildlife is attracted by a certain garden set-up?
You can check it on the wildlife calculator http://myarduinoprojects.com/wildlifecalculator/index.html |
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Rainforest Wildlife Planner
You will need the following seeds to attract all of the Rainforest Wildlife
and make the most of the timing of each one:
20 x Forest Ruby Seeds
5 x Forest Amber Seeds
3 x Forest Sunlight Seeds
3 x Forest Emerald Seeds
3 x Forest Sapphire Seeds
1 x Forest Moonlight Seed
1 x Forest Amethyst Seed
(also remember you get a GOLD reward when each Rainforest plant is harvested)
and make the most of the timing of each one:
20 x Forest Ruby Seeds
5 x Forest Amber Seeds
3 x Forest Sunlight Seeds
3 x Forest Emerald Seeds
3 x Forest Sapphire Seeds
1 x Forest Moonlight Seed
1 x Forest Amethyst Seed
(also remember you get a GOLD reward when each Rainforest plant is harvested)
Most of the Rainforest Wildlife are only attracted by having several (FG) Jewels of the Forest seeds planted in combination
with one another, rather than just a single plant.
Your planting times are very important or you will not attract them, and the Jewel seeds you worked so hard to acquire will be wasted - We suggest you wait until you have all of the required Jewel seeds available before you plant ANY of them and always
pay attention to the growth times of each one - they are not all the same and some need to be staggered/replanted~
Everything in any Rainforest garden set-up needs to be FG (fully grown) and NOT RFH (Ready for harvest).
The mushroom, the herbs, and the Jewel seeds.
You will always need a (FG) regular Ruby Jewel Seed in every Rainforest garden setup regardless of which Rainforest wildlife
you are trying to attract at that time.
You will also need deterring herbs for the previous Rainforest Wildlife in your set-up whenever there is a plant that was the
"optimal seed" for that wildlife in your current plantings. You can figure out which ones are, by looking at the charts above -
The more optimal attracting plants you have, the better: in every set up, there is one jewel seed that attracts that particular wildlife optimally. If you have more than one seed to spare for it; plant it. You will have much better results with 2 of the optimal attracting plants than with one. But don't plant extra rubies unless you are attracting only the macaw -one is enough, if you plant more, you will add to the attraction for the macaw when you are wanting something else and that defeats the purpose of planning out your set-up.
One herb is the minimum to plant at all times ~ be aware that it will not keep all the other wildlife away. Two will be much better.
Be careful when you choose the deterring herbs - make sure that the one you choose is the correct one~ again refer to the charts above. The high plates are preferred for the food and tropical fruits are required except with the macaw,
as that Macaws eats other food.
with one another, rather than just a single plant.
Your planting times are very important or you will not attract them, and the Jewel seeds you worked so hard to acquire will be wasted - We suggest you wait until you have all of the required Jewel seeds available before you plant ANY of them and always
pay attention to the growth times of each one - they are not all the same and some need to be staggered/replanted~
Everything in any Rainforest garden set-up needs to be FG (fully grown) and NOT RFH (Ready for harvest).
The mushroom, the herbs, and the Jewel seeds.
You will always need a (FG) regular Ruby Jewel Seed in every Rainforest garden setup regardless of which Rainforest wildlife
you are trying to attract at that time.
You will also need deterring herbs for the previous Rainforest Wildlife in your set-up whenever there is a plant that was the
"optimal seed" for that wildlife in your current plantings. You can figure out which ones are, by looking at the charts above -
The more optimal attracting plants you have, the better: in every set up, there is one jewel seed that attracts that particular wildlife optimally. If you have more than one seed to spare for it; plant it. You will have much better results with 2 of the optimal attracting plants than with one. But don't plant extra rubies unless you are attracting only the macaw -one is enough, if you plant more, you will add to the attraction for the macaw when you are wanting something else and that defeats the purpose of planning out your set-up.
One herb is the minimum to plant at all times ~ be aware that it will not keep all the other wildlife away. Two will be much better.
Be careful when you choose the deterring herbs - make sure that the one you choose is the correct one~ again refer to the charts above. The high plates are preferred for the food and tropical fruits are required except with the macaw,
as that Macaws eats other food.
~ Ensure you check back on your garden - once any item is RFH, the attraction power becomes zero ~
You will need to move on or replant and DD
The timing on this layout is based on DD all plants and herbs to FG
Endangered Wildlife Planner
All the Endangered Wildlife eat tropical fruit (from any table).
Your visitors have to be quick and you have to plan well
The Endangered are Very Rare and will only visit for 2 minutes or less! All plants need to be Fully Grown (FG) to attract the Endangered. It is essential that you plant 2 herbs to deter the Rainforest Wildlife or you won't get any Endangered!
When trying to attract the final two of the Endangered: to plan it right, the Tapirs and Orangutans each require that plants
take up 8 of your spaces. (you always need a (FG) mushroom) and your feeding platter. We suggest you scale back to just 1 feeding table with these 2 because it is more important to sacrifice that than to only have 1 deterrent herb. Its just not enough.
The endangered are VERY RARE
Ensure you advertise a lot whenever you have new food out so they are not missed- they only stay for 2 minutes or less
With careful planning you can attract both the endangered and some of the Hummingbirds with the same jewel plants
Use your precious Enchanted Jewels wisely.
PLEASE NOTE: While the Antillean Crested Hummingbirds are not Endangered they do have the same plant setup
as the Toucan in that you need a FG Ruby and FG Enchanted Ruby to attract)
PLEASE NOTE: While the Swallow Tailed Hummingbirds are not Endangered they do have the same plant setup as the
Golden Lion Tamarin in that you need a FG Ruby, FG Amber and FG Enchanted Amber to attract.
(Just put some bird mix out on a high table)
PLEASE NOTE: While the Broad Billed Hummingbirds are not Endangered they do have the same plant setup as the
Golden Dart Frog in that you need a FG Ruby, FG Sunlight and FG Enchanted Sunlight to attract.
(Just put some bird mix on a high table)