~ Fairyland Quests ~
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smarter, and not harder. We are not affiliated with the game or its developer.
Ever thought about what wildlife is attracted by a certain garden set-up?
You can check it on the wildlife calculator http://myarduinoprojects.com/wildlifecalculator/index.html |
Fairyland Quests are themed mini-challenges which involve spotting and attracting all the different types of Fairyland wildlife.
Each successful Quest earns you a number of "Scrolls", which you collect to level-up and unlock new quests and Extinct Wildlife!
Tip: After you begin a quest, if you see a "?" showing in the quest box, it means that there are multiple possibilities
for the wildlife you can spot/attract - simply click the "?" to see the full list of possible wildlife for that quest :)
You can repeat your favourite quests as often as you like, there is no need to complete ALL the quests either :)
The object is to earn enough scrolls to reach the next level, it doesn't matter how you get there or even how fast or slow.
Do whatever suits your style of play best and enjoy the journey :)
Happy Questing!
Fairyland Quests Level 1
Fairyland Quests Level 2
Fairyland Quests Level 3
Fairyland Quests Level 4
Fairyland Quests Level 5
Fairyland Quests Level 6
Fairyland Quests Level 7
Fairyland Quests Level 8
~ Let your friends know which Quests you are working on so that you can help each other achieve the best results ~
Fairyland Quests - Level 1
Mouse Hunter
Spot In Other Gardens: 3 Mice (of any type)
Attract In Your Garden: As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens: 3 Mice (of any type)
Attract In Your Garden: As above, but 2 of each!
Birthday Field Mouse Field Mouse Pygmy Mouse The Mouse White Mouse SEASONAL Ghostly Field Mouse Festive Field Mouse Zombie Field Mouse Summer Field Mouse Elf Field Mouse Cupid Mouse |
Ghostly White Mouse Festive White Mouse Zombie White Mouse Summer White Mouse Elf White Mouse SEASONAL
Ghostly Pygmy Mouse Festive Pygmy Mouse Zombie Pygmy Mouse Summer Pygmy Mouse Elf Pygmy Mouse |
Nice Weather For Ducks
Spot In Other Gardens:3 Mallards (seasonal Mallards are permitted)
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens:3 Mallards (seasonal Mallards are permitted)
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Ghostly Mallard
Festive Mallard
Zombie Mallard
Summer Mallard
Elf Mallard
Ghostly Mallard
Festive Mallard
Zombie Mallard
Summer Mallard
Elf Mallard
The Tortoise And The Hare
Spot In Other Gardens:A Tortoise And a Hare
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens:A Tortoise And a Hare
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Box 1, & 2
Tortoise Baby Tortoise Mother and Baby Tortoise |
Box 3 & 4
Hare SEASONAL Arctic Hare |
Bunny Business
Spot In Other Gardens:2 Rabbits or Hares
Attract In Your Garden: As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens:2 Rabbits or Hares
Attract In Your Garden: As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Albino Brown Bunny
Baby Brown Bunny
Mother & Baby Brown Bunny
Baby Lop Eared Bunny
Mother & Baby Lop Eared Bunny
Brown Bunny
Lop Eared Bunny
The White Rabbit
Arctic Hare
Chocolate Bunny
Dark Chocolate Bunny
White Chocolate Bunny
Easter Bunny
Albino Brown Bunny
Baby Brown Bunny
Mother & Baby Brown Bunny
Baby Lop Eared Bunny
Mother & Baby Lop Eared Bunny
Brown Bunny
Lop Eared Bunny
The White Rabbit
Arctic Hare
Chocolate Bunny
Dark Chocolate Bunny
White Chocolate Bunny
Easter Bunny
Watch The Birdie
Spot In Other Gardens: 2 Adult Birds (of any type)
Attract In Your Garden: As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens: 2 Adult Birds (of any type)
Attract In Your Garden: As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Albino Kiwi Australian King Parrot Barn Owl Bee Eater Blue Jay Chaffinch Chickadee Crane Cuckoo Griffin Jackdaw King Penguin Kingfisher Kiwi Long-Eared Owl Magpie Mallard Nightingale Oriole Ostrich Pair of Magpies Phoenix Ping-Ponguin |
Puffin Roadrunner Singing Bush Lark The Dodo The Lory Waxwing Woodpecker Wren Yellow Wagtail FAIRYTALES Beautiful Swan Golden Hen HUMMINGBIRDS Antillean Crested Hummingbird Swallow Tailed Hummingbird BroadBilled Hummingbird Violet Headed Hummingbird Violet Sabrewing Hummingbird Saw Billed Hummingbird Blossomcrown Hummingbird |
(Underwater) King Penguin Puffin RAINFOREST Cassowary Macaw Toucan SEASONAL Pair of Lovebirds Flamingo Peace Dove Cardinal Snowy Owl Robin Crow Ghostly Mallard Elf Mallard Festive Mallard Summer Mallard Zombie Mallard ZODIACS Peacock Pelican Stork |
Here Be Dragons
Spot In Other Gardens: Any 2 Dragons (of any type)
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens: Any 2 Dragons (of any type)
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Golden Dragon
Rainbow Dragon
Water Dragon
POND (Underwater)
Golden Seadragon
Rainbow Seadragon
Watery Seadragon
Reach For The Stars
Spot In Other Gardens:Any 2 adult Zodiac Wildlife
Attract In Your Garden: As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Spot In Other Gardens: Any 2 caterpillars
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens: Any 2 caterpillars
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Birthday Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Prickly Orange Caterpillar
MellowYellow Caterpillar
Minty Green Caterpillar
Baby Blue Caterpillar
Lazy Indigo Caterpillar
Fluffy Violet Caterpillar
Birthday Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Prickly Orange Caterpillar
MellowYellow Caterpillar
Minty Green Caterpillar
Baby Blue Caterpillar
Lazy Indigo Caterpillar
Fluffy Violet Caterpillar
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Spot In Other Gardens: Any 2 wildlife with the word "Red" in their name
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens: Any 2 wildlife with the word "Red" in their name
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Possible Wildlife For This Task:
Red Baby Squirrel
Mother and Baby Red Squirrel
Red Candydevil
REd Cherrymole
Red Chocobug
Red Jellybeak
Red Lollipup
Red Sugarsnout
Red Sweettooth
Birthday Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Red Panda
Red Squirrel
Red Chameleon
POND (Underwater)
Red Guppy
Red Snapper
Red Fly
Red Bee
Red Baby Chick
Red Baby Seahorse
Red Baby Squirrel
Mother and Baby Red Squirrel
Red Candydevil
REd Cherrymole
Red Chocobug
Red Jellybeak
Red Lollipup
Red Sugarsnout
Red Sweettooth
Birthday Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Wriggly Red Caterpillar
Red Panda
Red Squirrel
Red Chameleon
POND (Underwater)
Red Guppy
Red Snapper
Red Fly
Red Bee
Red Baby Chick
Red Baby Seahorse
The Ugly Bug Ball
Spot In Other Gardens:Any Fly, Bee, Butterfly or Caterpillar
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Spot In Other Gardens:Any Fly, Bee, Butterfly or Caterpillar
Attract In Your Garden:As above, but 2 of each!
Red Bee Orange Bee Yellow Bee Green Bee Blue Bee Indigo Bee Violet Bee Rainbow Bee BUTTERFLIES Sunset Dreamer Butterfly Dancing Firewing Butterfly Sunlight Sparklewing Butterfly Forest Leafwing Butterfly Mystic River Butterfly Moonlight Tranquility Butterfly Shimmering Musicwing Butterfly Rainbow Butterfly |
Birthday Wriggly REd Caterpillar Wriggly Red Caterpillar Prickly Orange Caterpillar MellowYellow Caterpillar Minty Green Caterpillar Baby Blue Caterpillar Lazy Indigo Caterpillar Fluffy violet Caterpillar FLIES Red Fly Orange Fly Yellow Fly Green Fly Blue Fly Indigo Fly Violet Fly Rainbow Fly |
Seasonal Quests
Woohoo - You Are Now Quest Level II!
Congratulations, you now have 150 Scrolls, which means you have levelled up to Quest Level II!
You also can now paint the next section of your Mammal Pole and attract the Pyrenean Ibex to your Garden!
To paint your pole, place it in your garden, hover your mouse over the pole until you see a pop -up box with the option to paint your pole and just click it :)
Your poles can be stored away whenever you don't need them in your garden.
If you delete one by mistake, just get another from the shop - they are free and can be repainted again.
Congratulations, you now have 150 Scrolls, which means you have levelled up to Quest Level II!
You also can now paint the next section of your Mammal Pole and attract the Pyrenean Ibex to your Garden!
To paint your pole, place it in your garden, hover your mouse over the pole until you see a pop -up box with the option to paint your pole and just click it :)
Your poles can be stored away whenever you don't need them in your garden.
If you delete one by mistake, just get another from the shop - they are free and can be repainted again.
Please note:
All wildlife images used are distorted at the request of the developer of the Fairyland game application.
He wants everyone to have the fun of seeing everything for the first time by playing and spotting the wildlife on their own
and when they already get to see everything upfront, he believes that it would ruin some of the fun~
~ ALFF Admins ~
All wildlife images used are distorted at the request of the developer of the Fairyland game application.
He wants everyone to have the fun of seeing everything for the first time by playing and spotting the wildlife on their own
and when they already get to see everything upfront, he believes that it would ruin some of the fun~
~ ALFF Admins ~