~ Zodiac Babies ~
~ Mothers/Fathers & Babies ~
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Please Note: ALFF is ONLY a Fan Club hosted by volunteers who have researched the Fairyland game to help YOU play
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Ever thought about what wildlife is attracted by a certain garden set-up?
You can check it on the wildlife calculator http://myarduinoprojects.com/wildlifecalculator/index.html |
Requires an EMPTY Amethyst Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Pelican
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
Bird Mix Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Pelican has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Amethyst Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Pelican will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Pelicans have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Tall Birds" quest - Levels 2, 3 & 7
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Pelican in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Pelican in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Aquamarine Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Fish
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
BABY FISH Type of Food
Bird Mix Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Fish has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Aquamarine Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Fish will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Fish have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Fish in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Fish in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Diamond Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Ram
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "On The Farm" quest - Levels 5 & 7
Wildlife Type
BABY RAM Type of Food
Veggies Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Ram has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Diamond Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Ram will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Rams have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Horns and Tusks" quest - Levels 2, 4 & 6
A possible spotting requirement of the "On The Farm" quest - Levels 5 & 7
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Ram in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Ram in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Emerald Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Bull
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "On The Farm" quest - Levels 5 & 7
Wildlife Type
BABY BULL Type of Food
Veggies Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Bull has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Emerald Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Bull will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Bulls have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Horns and Tusks" quest - Levels 2, 4 & 6
A possible spotting requirement of the "On The Farm" quest - Levels 5 & 7
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Bull in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Bull in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Pearl Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Pushmi-Pullyu
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
Veggies Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Pushmi-Pullyu has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Pearl Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Pushmi-Pullyu will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Pushmi-Pullyus have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Pushmi-Pullyu in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Pushmi-Pullyu in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Ruby Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Crab
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
BABY CRAB Type of Food
Anything Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Crab has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Ruby Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Crab will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Crabs have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Crab in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Crab in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Peridot Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Lion
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "On Safari" quest - Levels 2, 4 & 7
A possible spotting requirement of the "Raining Cats and Dogs" quest - Levels 2, 3 & 6
Wildlife Type
BABY LION Type of Food
Anything Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Lion has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Peridot Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Lion will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
15 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Lions have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "On Safari" quest - Levels 2, 4 & 7
A possible spotting requirement of the "Raining Cats and Dogs" quest - Levels 2, 3 & 6
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Lion in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Lion in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Sapphire Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Stork
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
BABY STORK Type of Food
Bird Mix Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Stork has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Sapphire Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Stork will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Storks have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Tall Birds" quest - Levels 2, 3 & 7
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Stork in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Stork in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Opal Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Peacock
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
Veggies or Bird Mix Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Peacock has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Opal Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Peacock will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Peacocks have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Spots and Stripes" quest - Levels 2, 4 & 6
A possible spotting requirement of the "Tall Birds" quest - Levels 2, 3 & 7
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Peacock in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Peacock in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Citrine Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Scorpion
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
Anything Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Scorpion has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Citrine Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Scorpion will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Scorpions have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Scorpion in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Scorpion in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Blue Topaz Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Centaur
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Almost Human" quest - Levels 3, 5 & 8
Wildlife Type
Veggies Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Centaur has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Blue Topaz Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Centaur will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Centaurs have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Almost Human" quest - Levels 3, 5 & 8
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Centaur in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Father and Baby Centaur in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
Requires an EMPTY Garnet Birthstone in your Garden - Dropped by every 10th Sea-Goat
A possible spotting requirement of the "Baby Be Mine" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
Wildlife Type
BABY SEA-GOAT Type of Food
Veggies Feeding Platter
Low How to Attract
Born after an adult Sea-Goat has planted a Birthflower in an EMPTY Garnet Birthstone in your garden (Every 10th, 20th, 30th etc Adult Sea-Goat will plant the baby) How to Deter
RFH Solaris Igniflorus Average Visit Time
1 - 2 Minutes (Also gives an 'alert' before it feeds!) Common or Rare
Very Rare Diamond Count
10 Diamonds Item Dropped
Nothing |
Unlocked after 5 Baby Sea-Goats have been spotted in YOUR garden
A possible spotting requirement of the "Happy Families" quest - Levels 4, 6 & 8
A possible spotting requirement of the "Horns and Tusks" quest - Levels 2, 4 & 6
Extra Reward
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Sea-Goat in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!
If you are lucky enough to spot the FIRST Mother and Baby Sea-Goat in another Garden you'll receive a reward of 1oo Gold!